2015 is coming to an end. As I sit here tonight and reflect
on the last year I cannot believe how I have changed as a mother, wife, friend
and child of the King. My faith has never been stronger. My love has never been
deeper. My life . . . well it’s looking like I have longer to be here on Earth
so I am making it as wide as it can be.
I have been praying the past couple months on what 2016 is
going to bring and what God feels I need to do and where I need to be. Next
month, I will have a double modified radical mastectomy. It’s something I have
been fighting nearly two years for. Having said that, recovery will be about 6-8
weeks. I feel very strongly led in a different direction for my life this
upcoming year so I have decided to focus solely on my family and my faith. I
will be shutting down my Chronicles of Cancer Facebook Page. My Instagram
account’s name changed to katecrawford4 yet remain public because I do just
love photography. I deleted my Twitter account. I still have a personal FB
account that I am on sporadically. I am going to keep my Blog up but will no
longer be posting. It needs to stay up to help other women going through the
same journey. I have stepped down as administrator from mostly all of my cnacer
groups. I also will no longer centering such a large portion of my life on
fundraising. While I, of all people, know how important and much needed fundraising
for Metastatic Breast Cancer is, I can no longer take so much time out of my
life for it. I would ask everyone to continue their donations to research by
donating directly to the Magee Womens Foundation and to Metavivor. I have
resigned as a Board Member from Project Sweet Peas. This was the hardest
decision of them all. I have bled, sweat and cried over this organization since
its inception in 2009. It is my other baby. It’s was just time though; time to
let go. This chapter is over.
I am going to focus
solely on healing with my family and through my faith. I don’t need to be known
my many; I need only to be deeply loved by a few. While this may be viewed as
an ending to some, it is only a new beginning for me. I thank you all for your
love and support these past three years. Please, still continue to keep us
lifted in prayer.
Until we meet again . . .